The site is a former Santander Training facility with office and I.T hub which is currently being stripped out. After a desk study was provided by DCE, a ground investigation was evidently needed. The scope of works involves 12-15 No. Dynamic Sampling, 6 No. Trial pits including 2 No. infiltration tests, 3 No. cable percussion boreholes, installation of 8 No. gas and groundwater monitoring wells with 6 No. return visits over 3 months. Chemical laboratory testing to determine the presence or absence of contamination across the site.

It is understood that the proposed site will be redeveloped for commercial end use comprising 7 No. warehouse units with associated hardstanding, parking bays and services. Made Ground is anticipated to be present across the site overlying the Oadby Member, which is in turn underlain by Oxford Clay. The fieldwork will attempt to determine the nature of the Made Ground materials across the site and investigating former area of contaminated land, geotechnical characterisation of the site for the foundations, floor slab and hardstanding design, chemical analysis of the soils and potential groundwater across the site; and gas and groundwater monitoring.