Every year Discovery are invited by Andersons to their 49 acre site knows as ‘The Quarry’. An interesting and challenging housing development with 849 new homes and a 630-place primary school being constructed within a former quarry. Quarrying ended in the 1960s and it was backfilled with rubble and other waste materials, as a result the site was neglected for 30 tears without any attempt to accept the cost of remediation. Andersons 75 strong team are working in conjunction with L&Q and they have been working since the summer of 2015. The works on site are due for completion in Spring 2026. If you would like more details of this enormous project then visit Anderson’s website.
Here is where Discovery come in, we undertake several Zone Load Tests in locations that Andersons wish to begin development on. All Maintained Load Tests will be carried out in accordance with BS 1377 Part 9 Section 4.2 with a maximum test load of 120 kNm² being adopted.