Discovery CE Ltd provide a wide range of services across the many different Geotechnical and Environmental disciplines. We have been involved in numerous large scale projects for Commercial, Industrial and Residential end uses, in addition to local domestic projects, all throughout the Midlands.

Rotary Rig Lorrys
Rock Core













Site Investigation

Desk Studies

Site Investigation

o   Phase 1 Environmental Desk Studies

o   Geotechnical Desk Studies

o   Site Walkover Surveys

o   Conceptual Modelling

o   Ground Investigations

Zone Testing

o   Dynamic Continuous Sampling and Probing

o   Cable Percussion Drilling

o   Rotary Core Drilling

o   Trial Pitting Excavations

o   Infiltration Soakaway Testing

o   Gas and Groundwater Monitoring

o   Unexploded Ordnance

o   Coal Mining Risk Assessment

o   Static Cone Penetrometer

Environmental Services

Geotechnical Services

o   Contaminated Land Assessment

o   Qualitative Risk Assessment

o   Detailed Quantitative Risk Assessment

o   Liaison with Environment agency and Local Authority

o   Pile Design

o   Retaining Wall Design

o   Ground Improvement Design

o   Foundation Design

o   Slope Stability Analysis

o   Earthworks Design and Verification