As a part of our initial ground investigation Infiltration Soakaway Testing, DCE also provide Soakaway Design and Drainage recommendations for proposed developments. The Infiltration/ Permeability tests determine the soil infiltration rate and drainage capacity of the soils. Using these tests in accordance with BRE Digest 365 ‘Soakaway Design’ or BS5930 ‘Code of Practice for Site Investigaiton’ and we can determine which soakaway is the most appropriate type for each specific investigation.
BRE Digest 365 soakages tests are carried out in trial pits, the infiltration rate is determined by filling the pit with water and determining the length of time for a proportion of the volume of the water to drain away. DCE can also carry out BS5930 field permeability or percolations tests which are usually carried out in boreholes using either falling head or a constant head test model.
Falling-head permeability tests determine the permeability or percolation rate of an area by filling a borehole with water and recording the rate at which it drains away. This test method is most suitable for use in soils with medium to low permeability. Constant-head permeability tests determine the permeability or percolation rate of an area by maintaining a constant head of water in a test pit or borehole. The water that drains out of the test hole are replenished at the same rate from a water source. The stable flow rate of water entering the hole is measured over time to determine the permeability of the soil. This test method is most suitable for use in rock areas or soils with high permeability. An example of our work can be seen in the Darlington Ground Investigation.